Charles, Brenda, Sarah, Joshua and Caleb

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Poor Blog

My poor blog is feeling neglected, between work and swaps and chatting on Rav, haven't had/taken the time to post on it.  

Did another "first" recently and crocheted a bookmark for a swap.  most of the stuff I do can be found on my flicker page

I am also in the first stages of starting a group for donations to the local area hospitals and nursing homes here. So with sending to SIBOL and Share A Square and this one when I get it off the ground, I'll def have lotts of places to put my squares to good use!! 
More to come about this one as it happens.


  1. I'll be interested to hear more Itty!
    Hugs Suex x

  2. Don't feel bad about "neglecting" your blog. We all go through stages where we are just sidetracked and blogging isn't #1 on our to do list. The way I look at it, blogging is to be as enjoyable as any other hobby and that means doing it when you are able and able to enjoy it, and often or not as that may be. Just keep at it and know I'll keep checking in to see what's new :cD Have a great weekend!!

  3. Blog, please and thanks. lol Me again, stopping in to say hi, making my rounds from those on my blog log and encouraging you slackers to get with it and blog. lol
    Good luck with the new charity.

  4. Clears through loudy, while stamping food.....looking around, surely there's a new blog post. I've got my eye on you Itty, just so you know.
