Charles, Brenda, Sarah, Joshua and Caleb

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hubby says I'm spoiled

Hubby says I'm spoiled,  maybe that's because he sees me looking at patterns online and looking at yarn and what-nots so he takes me to wal-mart a few weeks ago and bought me a ton of yarn, then a few days later bought 2 storage containers to hold it all and THEN yesterday he took me to Jo-Ann's and bought me MORE yarn and 3 more storage containers (pic's of all this on my flicker page ooOO well he also bought me the camera that I took the pic's with cuz I was whining about how the camera on my phone doesn't take such good pic's -- the camera is a week early for our anniversary present -- but the rest is cuz he's right, I'm spoiled!!


  1. Love it....a good spoiled I think. Hubby laughs when I buy more yarn. Sometimes he rolls his eyes; but hey....there are lots of habits we could have that would be far worse, right? lol

    Gonna add your blog url to my blog log on Sandy's Space so I can make my way back and forth easier. Hope you'll do the same. Love to blog visit.


  2. Hey...time for you to post a new blog post girl. Doing some blog walking this am from our CAL group.
    Have a great day
